Photo 135: Intro to Photojournalism: Reading Assignments

Instructor: Sue Leith:                Office Hours Monday 1-2 MRP 2011



Law: Chapter 13 Test Review Questions


1)     Can a photographer take pictures in someone's home with out their permission?


2)     Describe the circumstances of the Dietemann (herbalist) case and its outcome.


3)     How does the Ron Galella and Jackie Onassis case affect a photojournalist's right to shoot in public?


4)     What is meant by commercial use of a person's image?


5)     Can photographers take pictures in hospitals without the patient's permission?           What do photographers need in order to take patients photos?


6)     Name 3 publicly owned places that have restrictions on photography.


7)     What is Canon 35, how long did it last and why did the court write it?


8) Name 3 circumstances that can cause a photo to libel a person


9) Photos normally arenŐt cause for libel unless used with _________?


10)     Press credentials do not provide special access under the law – what good are they?


11)     If you are a freelancer, who owns the copyright when you shoot a picture?       

When you sell it to a publication?   When you work for a publication as a full time employee?


12)     Must you register your images for the copyright to be valid? Explain.


13)     When and how do you copyright a photograph?


14)   The best defense against libel is ________?


15) According to the authors you must turn over your proof sheets of a crime scene if asked by authorities or you could be held in contempt of court. Name one way the book suggests you could avoid becoming an investigative arm of the police.